Thursday, August 5, 2010

Resources For Inspiration: What Movies Have Inspired You?

Here are some of my favorites...more to follow ...  What are yours?


      1. Mr. Haynes,

        I couldn't find an email link so I hope you don't mind if I post here.

        My name is Jerry and I'm Dee Seabolt's husband, whom you steered to Aikido many years ago. Dee and I were talking about the early days of our school and your name came up.

        As it happens, I have been working on a dojo history, and it occurred to me that you would be an invaluable resource. If you have the time, I would greatly appreciate it if you would take a quick look at our dojo timeline, to see if there is anything that needs adding or correcting. Thank you in advance for your time.

        Also, Dee would like to thank you for the kind words you posted in March.

        (You can find our email address on the main dojo website if you'd rather communicate by email).
